Sunday, August 5, 2012

Summer Lures for Smallmouth

During the Summer, many weather conditions make it a little more difficult to catch smallmouth bass. This includes storms, runoff into the lakes, boaters, etc. This makes the water a little more stained and the hot weather also send the fish into much deeper territory. This is all the reason I like to fish either early in the morning when it is still cool or in the evening when the sun is setting around 7-8 pm.

Lures are different for clear water than for water such as Lake Lanier that is dark and stained. I particularly use crankbait for bass in my local lake in bright colors such as chartreuse, red, black, and orange. This gets the bass' attention because let's be honest, have you ever tried to play tag in pitch dark? Hard to see your target right? Same goes for the bass if the water is dark and stained.

Many companies offer great crankbaits for bass. Some of these include, I use all different kinds as long as they work and I am not getting paid to put these on here, Strike King, Creme Lure, Berkley, Rapala, and more. They can be found at any outdoor or sporting good store or section at the local department store such as Wal-Mart. I typically try to go with a 2-3 inch crankbait just because they have to be big enough for the bass to be attracted to as well as see in the water.

Poppers and other top water lures are great to use during Summer for smallmouth bass also. The poppers are meant to be jerked across the top of the water which attracts other fish signalling it is time to eat. This attracts the smallmouth bass which strike at your lures if they are ready to eat of course.

Soft baits such as plastic worms can be rigged either Texas rig or Carolina rig which really attract the bass too. I've never seen a rig not work on a bass unless they are just being stubborn and not wanting to eat at the time. This leads to the bass spitting the rig out, knocking it away with its' tail, or even bumping it out of the way with its' head.

Three soft jerk bait that can be used for smallmouth bass. See the difference in colors to attract the bass? Image taken from
Can give more information about the soft jerk bait along with other smallmouth tips and techniques.

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