Friday, January 3, 2014

Frigid Bass

Went out earlier today and was fishing around a lot of seagulls. I was actually fishing for striper using a Captain Mack's 3/8 oz buck tail jig in white. I casted it out on my Daiwa G shock rod and reel on 14 lb test berkley trilene line.

I was jigging it up off the bottom of a rock bed and then started pulling it up and slow rolling it through the water column when a spotted bass started stripping line off my reel.

I have never seen bass as active after a cold front like last night! Air temps today were in the 30s and water temps in the 40s and these bass where hitting topwater! They were chasing shad like I've never seen. These were no striper because they were barely hitting the top unlike a striper that makes the water explode when hitting topwater.
 Here are the results of my frigid cold temp fishing trip today with a buck tail jig.

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