Sunday, August 5, 2012

Smallmouth Bass

One of the most commonly caught fish and most popular fish to catch is the smallmouth bass. The smallmouth bass has different feeding habits and a little bit different anatomy than its' counterpart, the largemouth bass.

The smallmouth bass of course has a smaller mouth and tougher skin than the largemouth. This is because of the feeding habits the smallmouth bass acquires. The smallmouth bass preys on frogs, crayfish, small snakes, baby ducks, small alligators, and just about anything else it can fit its small mouth around. The bass, both smallmouth and largemouth, are predator fish which eat dying and living prey in the waters. This is important for an angler to recognize to be able to catch the smallmouth bass as well as rig his or her line.

The smallmouth bass also has a more slender body structure which allows it to chase down prey and they are also more comfortable in open water rather in a patch of reed somewhere like its' counterpart.

They are more apt to clear and cold water. This means the smallmouth are going to be in the deeper parts of the lakes more than likely.

These fish will put up a bigger and harder fight if caught, so be sure to use a great rod, reel, and some good line which we will be discussing in other segments of this blog.

If you have anything else to add to this segment of the smallmouth bass, leave a comment below.

Happy big fishing!

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